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Take charge,

It’s Your Choice

It’s Your Choice

There’s just so much a person can take, even when they deliberately and intentionally work to stay focused on the positive. However, that doesn’t mean we just give up, not by a long shot. Everything is a choice. True, every choice has a consequence (good or bad), but...

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A Powerful Question for Your Inner Imposter

A Powerful Question for Your Inner Imposter

By now, I'm sure you've heard the term "imposter syndrome" or "imposter phenomenon." Yeah, it's a real thing. A relentless fear of being exposed as a fraud. Essentially, it's what happens when a high-achieving person doesn't internalize their lifelong accomplishments...

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How Authenticity Makes You More Successful

How Authenticity Makes You More Successful

The most successful leaders share a single, defining characteristic that, once embraced, usually defined a turning point in their success. Once they embraced their natural gifts and reveled in their true identity, their business takes off. For some, this meant they...

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Playing to Win

Playing to Win

Are you playing to win? I mean, are you truly playing “full out” — with a no-matter-what, take no prisoners mindset? The way I see it, no matter what your goal, you’ve got 3 choices: Play to win. Play to lose. Play to “not” lose. Wait, aren’t “winning” and “not...

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How to Uncover Your Entrepreneurial Passion

How to Uncover Your Entrepreneurial Passion

There is a folk tale about a prospector in gold country. Every day, he bought supplies and headed off to pan for gold in the local river, returning each night empty-handed. One morning, at the town's mercantile store, a woman asked the man how much gold he’d found,...

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Don’t Let Imposter Syndrome Derail Your Business

Don’t Let Imposter Syndrome Derail Your Business

Thinking you'll be 'found out' and judged viciously is the hallmark of imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is real. It tends to affect high-achievers more than any other psychographic — especially women — and includes creatives like inventors, founders, and...

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